Noah Kershisnik as Anas Abu Eitah

Anas Abu Eitah (2010)

Anas liked to play football. He wanted to become a famous commentator in football games and work in the sports sector. He believed sports help to solve complicated issues and to share point of views. Graduated from ASHTAR Acting Program in 2014. Now in Morocco, works as an actor.

Noah Kershisnik

Noah was raised on theater. He spent his youth performing Shakespeare plays in a traveling children's theater company, where he developed a passion for performance and storytelling. In 2018 he started his own theater company, Little Man Theater Company in which he works as a designer, writer, producer, and creative director in addition to his roles as an actor. More recently he has changed focus to acting in film, acting in many indy films, including THE KILLING OF TWO LOVERS (Sundance) and STOP AND GO (SXSW).